If you aren't wanting to catch the catfish to eat over a few year period, I recommend removing all them asap. They are adding 0 to the pond and are creating more biomass that could be utilized by something that more benefits your goals. I wouldn't stock FHM either, they will become quick fish food with the GSF in there. I would stock about 200-300 RES in addition to the Bluegills and Bass. I would only stock 50 bass if you want a bass pond that will grow larger bass.

Unfortunately, I would not fish for any bass until year 3, you don't want to get them to be hook shy. Then year 3 remove 20# of bass and do that every year thereafter. Keep after the GSF, they will limit reproduction in your pond if you don't, which will hurt the LMB population in the long run.

As you are finding out, good quality food does wonders for the fish in the pond.


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).