So like the title says, upon learning more about ponds I realize I have a much bigger problem than originally thought and it’s quite discouraging. I moved here less than a year ago and wanted to get my 40+ year old pond in nice shape. It’s about 3/4 acre and in summer is quite nasty and unusable. Rampant duckweed and algae. I figured I would get a nice aerator and I bought some diquat and cutrine to take care of any outbreaks and I’ll be on easy street.Then I learned about muck and the uphill battle one faces when they have a build up. I took a canoe out and only 6-8 feet off shore I have a couple feet of muck. The max depth I’ve found is 12 ft but there’s no doubt several feet of muck there too. I’m sure previous owners have never taken care of the pond.

I honestly don’t know what to do. I can’t fathom draining and dredging the pond and I highly doubt I can afford the guys that travel to come pump it out. From what I’ve learned, bacteria will only do so much and is better for maintaining. Any advice from the pros? Is there any way I can maintain a nice pond with what I have without breaking the bank?