Wow great details and thanks for sharing these steps. Seems like (if I were to go this route) I may have a slightly different process, given that it's a dugout pond without a dam, with the inflow and outflow? The only bummer about the slough is that it's mostly on the neighbor's property, and apparently there has been some sensitivty with "collaborating" in the past. They seem to think they have a pond and not a slough lol.

Is there much that needs to be done upstream to achieve what you're mentioning about drop out sediment / forage? Are there effective ways to filter my inflow stream to further restrict anything coming in that I don't want?

I recently read Tim Matson's Earth Pond book. Aside from being one of the more readable writers I've encountered, I loved his plainspeak information (as much of it as I understood). The "sand drop" sounded great until winter rolled around and my pond had two feet of snow on it from December to March. Nature always wins I guess.


"The old pond. A frog jumps in: Plop!"
– Matsuo Bashō