Welcome to PB Ryan! You have a nice layout.

A couple pieces of advise to get your thread started...

A row boat and a rock tied to a string is a good way to determine pond depths. Tie knots in the string every foot. The more time you spend in the boat taking readings, the more you know your pond. map it out on paper. My old 1/4 acre pond was easy to map with the row boat...2 foot deep all the way across. It was time for de-mucking. If a boat is hard to come by, a fishing pole with bobber and weight can be used. Set the weight at 4 foot below the bobber, for example, and cast and reel in slowly until the weight hits bottom. This takes a bit of practice to feel and see when this happens, but will yield decent results. Change the bobber to weight distance until you have mapped the whole pond.

Traps, nets, and fishing poles are good tools to see what's in the pond. Keep records of type, weight, & length.

Identify your plant life. If you have duckweed...you have a chore ahead of you and may have too much nutrients in the pond/slough. I'll leave this topic for the more experienced members.

Fish on!,