Originally Posted by FishinRod
esshup, I didn't know the deer liked alfalfa. (Duh! As you can surmise, I am a new deer hunter.)

Did you spread the bale for them?

I like the idea of dropping off a few bales around the deer trails. When it snows, or a week before the season starts, it would be easy to grab a pitchfork and throw out a few clumps of alfalfa for the deer.

Alternatively, is native grass in roughly the same dietary category? I have plenty of prairie grass for the deer. However, I assumed that once it was dry and dormant after the first frost, it lost most of its nutrient value. Could I just have my farmer leave a few bales of grass, and I can spread some of that late in the season?

Deer are not grass eaters per se, they will do better on Forbs and woody things. Cut down a growing tree and watch them devour the leaves and twigs. They will eat alfalfa hay but at $37 a bale it’s cheaper to feed protein feed designed for them