I had some brooder largemouth in tanks that were held each season after broods broke up. The fish were so used to handling they were like pets. Largemouth Bass are easy to tame. I did not want to lose brooder fish to herons or other issues. They were all pelleted trained and would hit surface hard when tank approached. They hit and eat just about anything, including mice we caught in a trash can. The smaller bass were better than 3 lbs while a really big female was pushing 9 llbs even after losing weight due to spawning. The big female was particularly relaxed and would watch me constantly as I weighed smaller fish on a scale next to her tank. On day I bumped the screw drive in off table. It was a short and chunky flathead driver. I did not see her eat it the first time, just noticed it was not on bottom when I looked down. I could only see her. I reached down and had to push her out of the way to make certain she was not just obstructing my view. It was evident in another location in the tank the following day. When I reached down for the screw and attempted to retrieve it she engulfed it and my hand. I was surprised she hit so hard so released the driver in her mouth. Then she swallowed it. Did not see it again until following morning. Later, all I had to do was drop the driver in when she was on my side of the tank watching me and she would hit hard. I know they can pass large items through the anus, easily as large as the screw driver, but I do not know if they can do it in less than a day like was going on. I have seen bass puke items up before.

Cooperative Research / Extension
Lincoln University of Missouri