Hello everybody!
My name is Dylan and it's a pleasure to be here. I'm part of a mechanical engineering senior design team at UCF in Orlando FL. Our task is to design and build an aquatic weed removal system. Our intention is to have a product that is useful for small lakes that can easily be used by a homeowner for instance to maintain vegetation. We know from bulrushes to hydrilla there are a wide variety of weeds to take care of especially in this area. I have spent years going at these with a rake and an old ten horse Johnson myself but I know there are more effective ways about this. I'm hoping to you guys would have some input on devices that you're already using to manage aquatic plants. I'd like to know...

What devices are you currently using?

Are there any complaints you have about these devices?

Is there anything you would like to specifically see in a new product?

Everyone's input on this is appreciated greatly!