You guys may be sweating it for nothing, up north here we have ice for weeks every yr, actually weve had less this yr then most, sure we have a fish kill every once in a while but if there are a few left over for breeding stock, remember the yoy will have less predators in this scenario, granted your Florida strain LMB and your coppernose BG may have had a harder time surviving but I think you will be ok. sadly tho ya'll did get a taste of what some of us go thru on a pretty regular bases, sans the power outages and such, that's like adding insult to injury, salt on a wound if you will. Good Luck everybody!
Our fearless leader has declared Texas a disastor area so maybe you will be able to get the gubmint to restock your lakes.

All the really good ideas I've ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.