98 ppm potassium has to be an error. I believe the 8.8 to be acceptable. 2 to 16 seems to be a normal range for Potassium. 8.8 is not "H", 98.anything is extremely high and I'm not sure it's even possible.
Back in 2014 you had 9.8 and 11.2 both listed as "high", then median values of 2-4 as medium. I strongly believe the 98.8 is an error.
There are 2 standards for testing this, one is for soil, one is for water, 1-50ppm being lower and upper limit on water, yet commonly 300-500ppm in the soil adjacent to pond. It gets fairly complicated on how the soil interacts with water and how potassium is figured.
To me it looks like there are a lot of irregularities in the test results but that is only my opinion.