It would be good if there was more volintary management of deer herds. I know of several of us in my area are trying but it is never going to be 100%. Texas does a good job i think through the TP&W where they restrick the taking of bucks if the racks are measured inside the ears and must be a 13" spread. For the most part that puts the bucks in the 3yr age range before they are legal to take. State Biologist are also involved when determining the number of does and bucks that can be taken. This is done by surveying the deer herds. It's not perfect way but i think Texas does a good job and better than many other states. They also do an outstanding job when it comes to the fish that live in the public lakes. Texas has nore trophy bass lakes than any other state. I can think of at least 4 of the best fishing lakes in the USA.

Last edited by TGW1; 12/04/20 07:04 AM.

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