Hello everyone, I’m new to the forum. My dad and I have a 1.5 acre pond and a 1 acre pond. My current issue is with the 1.5 acre pond. Well, I don’t yet have an issue, just looking to the future to prevent future problems. I apologize if the post includes a topic that should be in a specific sub forum. Moderators feel free to reprimand me if needed.

The details. Pond is 5 years old and is spring fed. The potential issue I have is that when the pond was dug, a corrugated poly 12 inch pipe was installed at about a 30° angle front to back. My worry is when this poly corrugated pipe cracks or fails, it will ruin my dam and/or drain the pond. Like most people, I don’t want to spend a ton of money to repair a future problem so I want to solve it before it happens. I have spent the summer fortifying the dam and adding approximately 2 feet to the elevation. I have made an emergency overflow do direct overflow to the undisturbed Bermuda covered side of the pond dam with a gradual slope.

Long story short, I want to plug this pipe and only have a “emergency” overflow as my only outlet. I know that may be a no no, however, if I run into erosion issues, after plugging, I plan on installing a horizontal pvc pipe with riprap and matting for erosion control. What is the best way to plug this pipe permanently so I don’t have to worry about it. Digging the pipe out makes me nervous because I really don’t want to take a chance on compromising the integrity of a super tight pond with no current issues. Any ideas would be appreciated!

Thanks I’m advance.