I no longer use anti-seep collars but I am careful to pack the clay well. On my current pond, I dug a deep sump so silt could build up below the drain pipe without clogging the drain pipe for a while. I also put on an elbow and riser and drilled 3/4" holes in the riser and upside of elbow as a strainer, and put a grate on the top of the riser. I left a high shelf near the sump which will hopefully allow me to clean it out with the backhoe if needed. Time will tell how successful I am over the Winter and early Spring. On my previous pond, the sump never filled with silt, but this new one seems more susceptible to this, and this one is a 2 year project while the last was finished in 1 season. Never have used them to draw down the any of the 3 ponds and 3 wetlands where I have bottom drains.

Last edited by RAH; 11/24/20 11:25 AM. Reason: addition