I met with a dirt contractor that was recommended to me by my air-conditioner guy. The contractor built a 30 acre flooded area for the ducks for the aeration guy and he is very happy with it. They have done some adjustments over the past two yrs to improve his flooded area. Contractor and I met, walked the area I want to flood, drain and flood again each year. First plan is to thin out the brush, after that we can shoot elevation and get an idea on how large an area we can flood. Plans are to build a levee that will hold 18" to 25" of water. My thought is to grow plants, flood, drain the into a five foot ditch, a dozer blade width to catch the forage fish I plan on adding to the flooded area. Run a sein and add the forage fish to my lmb pond. The plants should provide cover for the forage fish along with attracting insects for those fish. Plans are for forage fish reproduction after the plants have grown and flooded. Maybe sooner depending on what is planted for the ducks. I am leaning toward cnbg as the forage fish along with some fhm's. The time of year due to rains and the open time for the dirt contractor will determine when we start. Anyone else ever been involved in something like this or any thing you see that I might want to consider?

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