As of today I have taken out 4,016 catfish out of my 8 acre pond. I’d guess that’s to be around 1200 lbs of catfish removed this year. I’m hoping that all that mass of fish removed (plus 3,000 last year,) that next year will see a huge difference with the bluegill and bass population.

I hope to catch more but bow season is around the corner and days are getting shorter for any substantial fish removal.

I am currently pumping as much optimal bluegill into the pond as I can in the evenings (work days,) and morning and evenings on my days off. I’d like to feed through October (as long as the gills will eat.)

Overall I’m happy to have removed so many catfish. But kinda bummed because I can still go down to the pond and catch 10-30 in an 1.5 hrs of fishing. And that I caught a handful of 2-4 inch catfish so there is still recruitment even with the new bass population.

Unless there is something I should/need to do for fall and winter management (please give suggestions.) pond time is winding down and now time for deer.