So I have an update on my application: I now believe I have a screwy water-table/ground water pond.

The soilfloc slowed the rate of seepage considerably this summer, knocking the rate of loss from a little less than an inch a day down to around a quarter inch or less a day on average (it was tough to measure). The back of the dam dried up, and in general a big improvement on apparent seepage on the dam. However, the water still dropped down to the same level it has in the past around this time of year, then just stays there. It just took much longer to get there this year. At this point my losses go to bathtub range, but at almost 3' down.

Eventually we will get enough rain (I hope) to get runoff again to top it off. But I think I have seams on the uphill side that go both ways for water flow depending on ground water. I think this is confirmed in the winter when the pond is full since I cannot get thick ice near that side of the pond. I am guessing I always have some amount of water flowing in and out, so I probably wont get Soilfloc to go into a seam where water is coming out.

Any experience with this scenario?
