I bought this one:


There are other forum members running this system. You will find the bigmax mentioned in several discussions in the aeration section here.
Others have had poor outcomes with this one, but I have no complaints. It is working great for me so far. It's not a bells and whistles system, and
probably not what you want if you're looking for friendly service and help/advice after the sale. You get a pump, a starting capacitor, a power cord,
plain rubber air line, some hose clamps, and two ring diffusers. If you want weighted air line that costs a little extra. Even with the extra cost for the
weighted hose you will have a hard time finding a system that will move the same water, from the same depth, for the same money.

I don't have any experience with the disc diffusers, so I can't speak to their particular maintenance requirements. The ring diffuser is basically zero
maintenance. It's just a 4' piece of soaker hose, with a tee fitting and a check valve to prevent water from backing up into the air line when the pump is off.
The ring has a handful of steel bearing balls in it for weight, so I guess you could just chuck it out on the bottom if you wanted to. When it gets clogged
up just pull it, cut it up, and replace the ring with a new piece of soaker hose.

I built the tall stand to keep the diffuser off the bottom - 1) to prevent stirring up the sediments, and 2) to preserve a cool water refuge for my YP.
I don't run it at all when the surface water temp is below 50°F.