Freg, I think that will still affect mixing of high surface temp water, as-in the waterfall supply still has to be pumped from somewhere and put back somewhere-if that makes sense..
If you pull from the bottom it will mix, if you pull from mid depth I think you'll still have an oxygen poor lower level of cool water. I can't prove that but it is my opinion.
I circulate bottom water through a pump and a venturi after the pump sucking air into the stream of water and it's discharge is about 1' off of bottom but pointed slightly upward. As for what the DO level is I can only assure it's not dead water but I don't know that it's enough to support guess is no. I have no way to get a sample at the bottom to test. I can only test at arms length deep. The problem with this is when the water flows out at bottom the air is still released bringing some flow with it but it seems to be minimal. My top to bottom temps are about a 25-28 deg spread.

Last edited by Snipe; 07/21/20 10:36 PM.