What is this brown scum? I first was thinking pollen, but I wouldn't think pollen would have the bubbles. It drifts over the pond to the downwind side. This morning we have a nice breeze so its all contained on the southwest corner and pushed into the rocks. The pictures are from last night when we had very little wind and it was more sprawling. I tried to rake it, but there isn't really anything to rake... just a film that flows like water on the surface. Frogs and other small creatures are thriving.

I've been regularly checking visibility and I'm 18-24" both morning and evening. I rarely get more than 24" of visibility due to my dogs constantly keeping clay suspended.

Running bottom aeration 24/7 and I used blue dye mid-April because I was having some pondweed beginning to grow.

Additional pictures are for reference purposes.

Attached Images
pondScum1.jpg PondScum.jpg pond.jpg Fry.jpg