I think grass carp would requester nutrients and recycle them. To the extent these nutrients dissolve they should stimulate the planktonic food chain ... I think ...

Dye probably cheaper than TP ... though I am not sure about that.

To be sure, I would rather there be tilapia than dye. But you must keep in mind that the dye has nothing to do with fishermen. It was never a problem for me while I was fishing. But last year it died off and floated the latter part of July and early August. FA smells a little funky as it decays and it looks bad too. The dye is only to maintain appearance. Unfortunately, how things look are the only consideration that matters in this case. Nobody is aware of the special fishery that developed there except for a few of us who knew it was special.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers