Rip-rap rock the shore, or at least in some areas (higher erosion areas first). I cannot recommend the whole shoreline because diversity can be good, but this diversity may not be necessary in your case...I just don't know. It has been talked about here on many occasions to start your rock piles at the shore and extend them out into deeper waters, making an underwater jut or peninsula. This helps guarantee that the pile can be used by whatever chooses to reside at the varying depths from the shore out into the pond. ie: a solitary rock pile that is too deep for inhabitants is wasted, but a long pile that covers all the depths will be used. I rock farmed my place for a couple of years such as you are looking forward to doing and managed to create a variety of pile configurations...the juts, piles, stacked ledges, shoreline rip rap...I even bordered and area that I filled with a gravel mix for nests. My pond was filling up at the time, so I was not challenged with the full pool, but your clear water will help especially if you like snorkeling. Enjoy the rock farming...your biceps will show your efforts as much as your pond. LOL

Fish on!,