Help! Emergency, help! On yesterday I suffered a Fishkill of approximately 200 bream and one large mouth bass. At first I was clueless as to what it might be. Now I’m thinking that it may have been oxygen depletion. When I got home I saw the biggest fish, being one largemouth bass with its eyes popping out of its head. When I saw this, the first thing I thought was that it was likely a lack of oxygen. The pond is approximately 1/3 acre, it’s about 12 feet deep at its deepest, and there is no aeration on the pond. In the 11 years of the pond’s existence, I have never suffered a Fishkill before. One of the things I am doing now that’s different from before is, I am feeding the fish four times a day. I am guessing that with the heat, the increased feeding and the rapid growth of the fish with their waste in the water, And recently cutting the grass and allowing the clippings to fall into the water may have caused my issue. I believe that it is a combination of all of these things that caused my fish to suffer of a lack of oxygen. Can you please give me your thoughts.

By the way, the pond is stocked with bream and largemouth bass. There may be a few catfish in the pond. But, for the most part, the only thing I loss was bream. Also, I had been running well water into the pond for an entire week before the fish kill.

Last edited by cardell; 06/06/20 08:20 PM.

3rd acre fertilized fed and aerated