I am a novice and had never heard of the early feeding issue possibilities. In 20 yrs. there has not been any kind of a fish kill. It's a 10 A. rock quarry and all but a 1/2 A. area used for spawning it is 23-35 ft. deep. We get no run off because of a large berm around the whole thing. The water level stays very consistent by just filtering in trough the limestone. The only time we see any death loss is maybe 5 or 6 BG after the stress and activity of the first spawn. I saw the first BG nests yesterday. The fish have been healthy and have been doing quite well. It is only 1/2 mile from the house and I am there at least 2 times a day. I enjoy trying to learn by watching and let them tell me what works for them. I think our situation is different then most and really don't want to influence anyone because what may work for us may not be the best for someone else. I really do have fun but still have challenges like not being able to get my Crappies going. I have gone on long enough because I could go on for some time.