Bill C.,

In reference to your post of 3-5-05, 10:01 pm, you mentioned visibility of clear water (10-12 feet) and rooted plants. After my 0.10 acre puddle (80' dia) was excavated late last summer, it took about a 6 weeks for the water to "settle". Much to my surprise, I was able to see my aerator line on the bottom of the pond. After ice up this winter, I popped a hole and measured the depth to be about 8 feet.

Like everyone knows on this site, once their pond is built, they wish it was bigger and I'm no exception. I plan on draining the pond this summer to make it bigger (80' x 110') and deeper. Can you give some guidance as to what depth a clear water pond should be to eliminate light penetration to the bottom of the pond. You mentioned a depth of 15' in your post, is this a standard you go by?
