Originally Posted by anthropic
All of which leads to a question: What happens when you grow extra BG in a forage pond, then stock them in main BOW? In my case, most are less than 4 inches, loads of YOY. Like most pondmeisters, I have too many 8 to 14 inch LMB, even though I have good numbers of BG in all size groups. Harvested over 200 LMB last year, but only 33 this year due to various issues, including lockdown. Waiting for electro-harvest of LMB next week before transfer of forage pond fish so I don't waste BG on LMB that are then taken out.

Supplemental socking of adult BG (any/all sizes over 3 inches) is a method to aid in fixing a stunted LMB situation and should be used in conjunction with LMB harvest to achieve balance. It is one leg of a 3 legged stool the other 2 being harvest and management.