Yes large lmb is the first goal of the pond. I have been working to thin them down. 40 12-24” fish out in April and took 82 out last year. I will remove every sub 15” fish I catch until it’s obvious that I need to let a few grow. I doubt that they will ever come. I added 20 lbs shiners last fall and hope to add 100 more soon. I wanted to wait until i have good vegetation growth to buy them. Hopefully they will spawn before the HSB get here in August. Maybe by then I can have another 80-100 LMB out. I’m also hoping my YP were successful in there spawn. Based on the fishing this month they are doing great and very healthy. Seemed to have grown well since stocking last fall. I am catching them in wide open water so I hope their YOY will use it too and help feed the HSB. Would any other fish be good forage first the HSB?

A pond is like you job only way more important.
New PBM subscriber.