Guppy1, what are your goals for the pond? If what you want is a panfish and catfish pond, then the GSF and CC operation just may be a good one, rather than a BG and CC combo. The GSF will not recruit as fast as the BG will, so your fishing and the CC's eating stand a better chance of keeping them under control. You can supplementally feed both the sunfish and the cats to increase production.

As quarteracre said in your other post, embrace those greenies. They fight well, are quite tasty, and aggressively take small lures. In their place, they are not an inferior fish. BG are wonderful but they come with their own set of management problems.

If you add LMB, it might be best to add single sex bass. My pond is 1/4 acre. LMB attempt to upset the apple cart at all opportunities. I ruthlessly cull so that my YP, GSF, and BG stand a chance. A pond this size certainly is easier to influence by harvest than one over an acre in size.

I'm no expert on this. I just can see what's working for me.