Years ago (around 2007) I made the mistake of stocking several adult crappie in my 3/4 acre pond. They have done well in the pond and I still catch BCR that are 8-12" long. However, I am afraid that I have ruined my LMB fishery. The LMB that are there are all small and super hard to catch.
Has anyone ever tried to eradicate crappie without draining or the use of Rotenone? I am sure several big fish fries would help the cause, but I was wondering if there are any other options out there for decreasing BCR and trying to regain some LMB numbers?

Fishing in general in the 70 year old farm pond has gotten a lot harder during the last decade, and I am sure it needs a complete re-start but I am not sure if that is in the budget right now. Any advice would be appreciated.