Pat, I think that explanation has merit though I still wonder why when LMB are subjected to similar conditions (they spawn at roughly the same temps) they are able to make a crop of YOY.

With regard to Buck and Thoits seeing more crappie than LMB, keep in mind that these tests were single species tests. In the crappie tests ... there were no LMB ... and vice versa. The more species the more complex the picture becomes and the harder it is to clearly understand. I wonder if 50 or so healthy overwintered adult crappie per acre will almost always successfully spawn when they have the place pretty much to themselves. Say, with no bluegill and say with 20 2 lb. single sex LMB or 20 2 lb HSB to the acre. But when they have to defend nests against BG, I could see them failing almost all the time. Also some authors reference 8" as the minimum reproductive length. If this is so, a pond full of stunted crappie may not attempt a spawn.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers