My opinion here.. Fish feed (or bite) for different reasons, one of which is hunger but another more important reason is a reaction strike. Keep in mind there are 2 perspectives on this. Anglers perspective and the biological perspective. An angler notes catching "X" fish 4 times-to the angler the fish "fed" 4 times. The biological perspective my be that this fish was caught due to being triggered in a reactive way, 3 of the 4 times. Instinct told the fish to react to an opportunity. It may not have been hunger. Cats trigger in a more direct way, their sense of smell and taste may lead from through a much longer period of time from picking up scent to actually coming across whatever that scent is. Cats have more time to learn a process and become shy much quicker than other species. It's "learned behavior", but they spend more time from scenting to eating. Several of our Hatchery personnel consider cats quite "smart" compared to other species.
The time period between catch events probably has more to do with it than anything. You might catch the same cat 2 times a year for 5-6-7 yrs, but it may not be interested in 5-6-7 times a summer.