Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates but I have been busy with a brand new baby girl as well as a new lawn project. I went down to the pond to take an inventory with the castnet lastnight. I am concerned that my LMB might have gotten picked off by Blue Heron as they have been a real problem the last few months. I welcome them eating young BG but several times a week I see them up on shore struggling with larger fish. I manage to catch the occasional bass but they always look healthier than I want them to be at this point. I said all that to say the young BG are getting out of hand. Every castnet throw yields 5 or more young BG. Overall the pond health seems good....still tons of minnows...but the balance has to shift at some point right? On a bright note, I happened on a Bruiser CNBG while castnetting. He is about 9" long but I didn't get a weight. Also including a pic of the most recent LMB I caught.
