Hey QA. Looking at it from a natural perspective, a bog or wetland area basically filters out all of the nutrients that run thru it, it's the sediments that fill it in over time that causes the death of that area as it is, transforming it into something else, just like muck does in a pond. I'm sure I would have to "refurbish" the area periodically. Dig it out and start over.

I'm putting something together in my head that may be able to do both (capture runoff and filter the pond) by creating a bog area where that runoff enters my fence line and using a waterfall pump to cycle pond water back thru it.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!