Bass Pro has a great setup that is on sale now from $129 down to $80 or so i think.....their "Hobb's Creek" brand of fly gear.

If you want to be able to throw big, hairy bugs, streamers (clousers) or worm-type (4-6 inch weighted)flies, a 5 or 6 weight rod isn't going to do it.

Get a 9 ft., 8 weight rod and use a 4 or 5 foot level 12-14 pound leader....nothing longer or you will have a hard time turning over a big fly.

Of course if you are only catching 14 inch bass and can throw a small fly to do it then a 5-6 weight would be fine. You will be happy you have an 8 weight when you catch a 4 pounder and need to muscle it out of cover and keep it from going deep into brush, etc.

You need a fast action fly rod for bass flies and you won't find a much better deal than the Hobb's Creek setup.....but go 8 weight. BM61.

Last edited by bassmaster61; 06/17/19 02:18 PM.