Originally Posted By: PerryNZ
The various Internet sources I consulted were right. Almost a total (watermeal) takeover in a matter of days. The very hot, unusually humid weather was probably a big help.

Not sure how worried I should be. The flowforms should be looking after the aeration and the watermeal cover may even help the water temperature remain lower than usual.

Well it was early 2018 when I made that post, with the accompanying pix. It's now June 2019 and a lot has changed.

1) A week ago, I captured and removed to a local wildlife sanctuary, over 25 ducks. There are four amphibious avians left.
* Trevor the [female] mallard
* Two ugly-but-cute Muscovy females
* Lucy the rescue goose.

With luck, that should arrest any further population explosions.

2) The continuing pond bank damage and my sanity made that re-location essential. But something else happened at approx. the same time. The dense, total water surface cover of watermeal and duckweed has gone. Happened in about a week. I've no idea why - but I'm not complaining.

In the next day or two, I'll take some pix and present them here for all to see.