The odds are in favor of all of us who have used Roundup or who live next to fields that are covered in Roundup... The jury has spoken and a couple is 2 BILLION (with a B) richer now because of the nagging suspicions in a typical jurors mind that this stuff might be bad after all.

The momentum will build and anyone with an axe to grind will bring their pinstripe suit to court and line up for the handsome payouts that are bound to keep coming.

I'm sure you will never get a scientific answer and you certainly can't do a controlled trial exposing some to Roundup and others to an alternative.

I just know it is frightening when they test many produce items in the grocery store and it still has the roundup detectable in it...

2 Billion Award

Last edited by canyoncreek; 05/15/19 12:20 PM.