I’m located in west central Ohio, 5 minutes from Indiana line. Seen the first ribbon Saturday and another on Sunday. Both on south side of pond and one in dead grass in big branch I put in last year and another on a cmas tree. Not sure of water temp. My thermometer broke last year. Lake I was on had low to mid 40’s so guessing pond little warmer.
Also started feeding fish and they are hungry. Starting off slow with about 1/4 of why I’ll feed once warmer. Going to put trap out today to see what goes in. Plenty of shiners around and some fatheads still after couple years. Hoping the spotfin numbers are good that I got from your guy bill cody. Thanks again for the info on those.

.75 acre pond dug in September 2016. YP, HBG, HSB, SMB, and RES.