Tracy, My cnbg are feeding just like yours. Makes me question... do they cruise the pond for food all day? Do they stay in schools? I can't imagine all my thousands of cnbg are all sitting under my 30 ft. pontoon dock all day waiting for the feeder to go off in the AM and PM. but....I rarely catch any in other areas of the pond!! Also, I know I have some big lmb but unlike others ponds I have visited I never see a bass hit on the shoreline. When first stocked and they got about 12 inch long I would see them and actually had one run itself on dry land chasing bait!! But now rarely show any signs of them feeding. They are big so I assume they are just feeding deeper and can't be seen.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.