Generally the biggest problem with fisheries is a lack of food for the mid to high end fish (BG , LMB , YP , WE , GSH). This is caused by there being too many fish for the productivity of the water. The water (Plankton base food chain) naturally can sustain less forage fish than the predators require to grow. Fertilization (sometimes) and feeding pellets can jump the food chain to add nutrients directly to the mid to high end consumer fish. It is very effective and in some studies from 4 to 8 times more efficient than natural food (fish don't have to chase down pellets and there are no bones , skin and scales to digest). The other main variable to achieving good top end growth is managing the population balance (removing predators so the rest can grow). It often takes a combination of the two (food maximization and harvest) to reach ones goals. You do have to watch your water quality though. Ramping up production is like pushing down on the car accelerator 70 mph may be ok but keeping it at 100 will sooner or later lead to problems.

YP do very well with pellets (except the fry/yoy < 4 mths unless you use specialized products).

Bill can better address harvest of YP in northern waters.

Last edited by ewest; 03/19/19 10:50 AM.