We have a 10 A. rock quarry that has LMB UP TO 6 & 7 LBS., CC up to 30 in. and 12 to 15 lb., BG that are numerous and healthy, and BCP. We very seldom catch one that is smaller than 12 in. We are considering adding some 10 in. BCP this spring to see if we can have a better survival of young. We have added a lot of structure but as yet no increase. Everything we catch does seem very healthy. The main continuous problem is LMB numbers. With help we do take a lot out each year. I do keep reading about the negatives of BCP it has not been a problem. My wife and I do love to catch the crappies. They are as pretty as it gets. I would say don't be afraid to go for it. We would like to catch more. The LMB is most likely the key.

Last edited by jgr; 02/02/19 12:11 PM.