I am still using artificial tree "branches" in my pond for 4 years now and they still look good. Here is what I did. I drove 2 metal T-posts in the pond bottom 20 foot from each other and parallel the shoreline. I use a 4 or 6 inch piece of pvc sewer pipe and drilled many small holes along the bottom and sides of the pipe. My tree branches come out so I put one branch in each little hole. I put a bend in the wire about 90 degree at the end and that keeps it from falling out of the pipe. This basically makes a 20 foot long hedge. Simply attach each end of the pipe to each t-post with nylon rope and tie it at any depth up or down the t-post. I predrilled some larger holes in the pipe to run the rope through. Do not use wire to mount to post. It will rust very fast and break. Ask me how I know that. This has worked great for me and I catch fish by it all the time. Good luck. I also have many other artificial trees in my pond in various locations.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.