MarkC - I recall that in the past, you sent me some questions by email. I replied to you, but my server could not deliver to your address. It might have been that your email box was full and some had to be deleated before delivery could happen. Anyway I did not ignore your questions I just could not get the message delivered. I did not have a phone number to call and let you know about the problem.
To answer your question, yes anything that you can do to reduce, remove, or eliminate dead organic material from depositing on the bottom will lessen the amount of bottom muck that either accumulates or has to get digested or processed back into the basic chemicals. Aquatic weeds are a big contributor to muck build up due their bulky nature. However aquatic weeds decompose relatively fast if in oxygenated conditions due to their soft water laden texture and lower amounts of cellulose and fiberous material. Tree leaves and terresterial vegetation take relatively more time to decompose than most aquatic plants due to their stiffer, coarser, thicker, texture.

Grass carp quickly speed up the decompostion and breakdown of aquatic vegetation due to partial mastication and digestion as the material passes through the digestive tract. It is very similar to goose manure when it leaves the fish.

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