Originally Posted By: RAH
An excellent example that I was alive to see. They found a reproducible link between ulcers and a microbe and forwarded both science and health care. No alternative facts there!

There is more to this story than everyone knows. The idea that a microbe that was _always_ found in association with peptic ulcers was the cause of the ulcers was counter intuitive. Dr. Marshal treated patients with antibiotics and cured them of their ulcers. When he tried to publish his findings he found great resistance. He was persistent. His professional reputation was attacked. In order to demonstrate that microbes caused the ulcers, he used himself, yes himself as a guinea pig. After consuming the microbes he developed ulcers that he subsequently cured with antibiotics.

It wasn't an easy row he had to hoe. When I saw his interviews on a nationally syndicated news video journal, he seemed heavily worn with the experience and greatly disappointed with how the system worked for him.

Here is an interesting interview with Dr Marshall in 2010. Glad to see some old wounds are healing.


Last edited by jpsdad; 06/29/18 06:24 PM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers