Looking for suggestions on submerged plants for new pond. Eel grass has failed to persist in several other pond on my place after planting and initial establishment, so I am not going to try that again. The pond is 1/2 acre with fairly steep banks, and currently has FHM and LCS in it, with plans to add blue catfish last after adding another intermediate forage fish (likely black crappie). Currently, I have a lotus started and added a couple pickerel weed and duck potato plants with plans to add a couple spike rush. Also as background, we have curly leaf pondweed in another pond which, so far, has not become a problem after a few years (maybe due to papershell crayfish?). Would like to get more civilized submergent plants established if possible to help keep undesirables from being the only thing present (expect invasion of curly leaf pondweed at some point). Suggestions appreciated, especially if useful to wildlife.