Originally Posted By: Neo07

On the emergency spillway, I am not sure clear on what you are saying, but I assume it is a spot in the dam that is higher than the exit pipe and around 2 ft less than the top of the dam.... I could possibly do that on the far right side of the dam, as it was natural hillside and not man made. So I guess if I built the dam up all the way across except for a few feet on the right side of the exit pipe that could work..?

Yes, that’s the right idea….........…. You might consult with your dirt guy about raising the dam 3' or 4'. A dozer can get it done in a few days, whereas using a tractor could take weeks.(depending on number of hours per day spent in the tractor seat) Maybe the dirt guy will feel guilty for not doing a proper build, and cut you a deal. From the pics, it certainly looks like he knows how to work dirt, and he should understand the need for some free board, and a spillway.