Bill, the pond is enjoyed by the HOA, but out of 40 homes, fewer than 10 fish it. The HOA wanted to have improved fishing for large panfish. A couple of us really want it to be great for ice fishing.

I would like to have a healthy population of great bluegill 7+"
Aggressive but not large LMB that are fun to catch
Bonus WE and SMB (SMB will go in next spring/fall)
Large YP
Large HSB
RES to cut down on parasites

Bullheads will be thinned by predation, fishing, and cloverleaf trap (adding another 1 or 2 next spring). The way I see it for each bullhead removed, 2 bluegill can eat and grow in its place.

My native bass larger than 14" are going to be caught and transferred to a friend's big bass pond in the spring.

Should I help nature along and be removing <5" bluegill now?

Last fall's stocking was...
Largemouth Bass 6 to 8" 175 (most were over 8")
Walleye - 6 to 8" 50
Hybrid Striped Bass 6 to 8" 100 (most were 9-12")
Yellow Perch 3 to 5" 150 (most were 4-5")
Red Ear Sunfish 3 to 5" 150 (most were 3-4")

Total number of lmb was closer to 200 and hsb were 125
I've stocked less than 10 LMB from 9-14", and 50 bluegills over 7" (11 were females)

We removed over 500 bullheads last year, and I removed 75 bluegills (3-4", skinniest by the eyeball test) caught on rod and reel or cloverleaf trap between June and August. I haven't removed any crappie and my largest native lmb (19") died/was eaten by my female snapping turtle.

Mat Peirce
1.25 acre southeast Iowa pond