I am thinking a low intensity light near surface that will promote feeding even after sun goes down. It would allow you to see a little and keep fish in feeding mode. The light could even be turned on a few minutes before you approach to provide signal eats will be coming shortly so fish can stack up and be ready.

I am doing some tinkering in the lab with some really small sunfish where they spend most of the time foraging in a large tank with some actual insect forage. First I walk tank to they can see me, then I come back 5 minutes later and put feed in at a particular spot. They are already there jockeying for position to get most food when it is applied. They eat all applied then promptly disperse to forage again until process repeated. Setup is like when mother rings dinner bell so even kids back in woods come running to table in kitchen and grab a seat.

Even the 1" fish are a lot more capable of learning than I originally thought possible.

Cooperative Research / Extension
Lincoln University of Missouri