Dam Farm that's nasty.... lol

Do you have a air system in your pond? Doesn't look like it but just asking to make sure. I had a lot of this stuff too when I first got my pond. It took a couple years but here is what I did.

1. Got a air system up and running to help with my ponds D.O. and toxic junk on the bottom of my pond.

2. Started to put beneficial bacterial in my pond twice a year. Around May and July or August. I know some don't believe in this but combined with my air and think it has done a great job for me. I use a product called C-flo it comes in 8 disc's per package for 1 acre. I put 2 of these in a year.

3. I always use at least 2 gallons of Aqua shade one gallon around end of April first of May and then a second gallon to help maintain it. Once you put the initial amount in for your pond your supposed to help maintain it each month with a boost of AQ my pond is 1 acre so it's easy to figure out it's based on 1 acre on the jug. I believe it's 1 acre 4 foot deep and that's where most of my issue are from 1 to 4 foot or so.

Now I'm not saying any one of these things I do is the best it's just what I do and I now have no algae issues anymore. "Knock on wood" Like I said it may take a year or 2 but it worked for me.

Good Luck

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!