The conibears are indeed all the way underwater in den sets that produced this past winter I know firsthand what a conibear can do to a dog when I was 15 years old & watched our family blue healer dog die right in front of me when he got in a 220 that an unknown trapper set in a homemade wood cubby set on land back in the mid 80's. Was not a pretty picture & tough on a teenager who's best buddy was that dog.

Thus far, no more otters have been caught. But oddly enough, 2 snapping turtles & 2 LMB have been caught. I am guessing that the LMB's were chasing small fish or whatever into the den hole and got caught. Don't know what the snappers were doing by venturing up into those den holes. Both snappers were alive & that was interesting getting them out of the conibears.