Originally Posted By: bassmaster61
Don't buy into the "grass carp don't eat algae" old wives tale. Plenty of hatcheries use grass carp in their rearing ponds just to control the FA. They swear by them (just ask).

GC will eat almost anything plant, especially if favorites like coontail and sago pondweed are not available....including FA.

Use the GC....5 per surface acre to start. The first year you won't see great results but after that you will.

Chemicals to use are a diquat/Cutrine Plus combo. A gallon of each in 10-15 gallons of water works great. Make smaller batches to spot treat after hammering the FA as soon as the water temp hits 48-50 degrees in the spring (I use copper sulfate for the spring dose at 10 lbs. per acre).

You will be a happy pondmeister with GC and the chemical combo above. Best of luck. BM61.

Thanks for the info. To date, I have stocked 42 GC since 2011. I've only ever seen 1 dead.

I've always resisted dumping in chemicals, but I think it's time.

The Geese are still a problem however, need to find a solution for them. Every year the local flock gets bigger and bigger.