Originally Posted By: John F
I have been trapping a lot of FHM out of my dedicated FHM pond. There are so many in it and such a plankton bloom I am concerned about oxygen. I fed very sparingly early, and none in past two weeks. I can put out a small wire mesh minnow trap baited with catfish pellets and trap 70 to 100 minnows in an hour or two. I have probably trapped 600 and transferred them to the new 1/4 acre catfish pond.

Catscratch, If I had a little pond like yours, and wanted to raise FHM I would pump it dry and get a backhoe out there and dig it to about 4 feet deep in the center, and taper it toward the sides, enlarging it to at least 15 to 18 feet across. That would at least allow for some cool water shelter near the bottom. Run aeration at night if it gets too hot.

It's a done deal, the minnows are ordered and some of them will be put into the little pond. I'll let you guys know how it turns out; if they make it then great, if not then I'll know what not to do next time.

John, it's as deep as it can get without hitting the massive layer of rock that sits under it. It's also on a hilltop and drainage into it isn't great so I fear making it bigger diameter would just lead to a pond that was seldom full. Otherwise I would dig it out in a heartbeat.