This reminds me I need to get guards ordered for my overflow pipes.

In my sediment pond I have an overflow pipe running into my main pond. It clogged during a large rain event. I reached down to see what was clogging it (I would never do this with a large pipe sloping downward - could be dangerous. This pipe lies mostly flat). Felt like a rock or something.

Got a rod and pried around and finally a turtle popped up. Threw that turtle on the bank and it promptly crawled to the big pond. That helped but there was still a larger clog. Finally pried out a larger turtle. Looked dead, head hanging to the side. Threw it up on the bank. Couple minutes later it came to and also crawled to the big pond.

Had I not pried them out, they surely would have eventually drowned. I need to get guards. This pipe plugging is not really a big deal, because the emergency overflow is made to handle any really large rain as the pipe is not big enough by design (designed so that ordinary rains drain slowly to give time for sediment to settle out in the sediment pond).

But I would hate for my main pond to clog up like that and rely on the emergency overflow.

Last edited by snrub; 03/27/17 11:00 PM.


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